After one failed attempt (how do you have a shirt incapable of bleaching? I don't know, but I have one) and way more time than I'd like, I've finally done my bleach shirt!
Before you start, I know what you're thinking.
"Julie, where's the leaves?"
"Julie, you're the last done and it's only this?"
"Julie, of all the crazy things you could have done, what the heck is this about?"
Regardless of my current circumstances working at the University of Idaho, I'm actually trained to be a children and teen librarian. I regularly answer any library-type questions for family and friends. This morning I woke up to a text from a friend asking what age a child can be read a chapter book. (Answer: whenever they can sit through a chapter. My mom was reading me and my older sister Pippi Longstocking when I was somewhere between the ages of 2 and 4.) Given what I've just told you, I'm sure you're not surprised to hear that I love the Harry Potter series. I was a beta tester on Pottermore (can I get a bit more nerd cred?).
So when I had to decide on a bleach pen shirt, I thought... why not do the Deathly Hallows symbol? It's decidedly nerdy and entertaining to me. I tried to figure out how to incorporate leaves, but then I remembered I'm just not much of one for drawing. So I did this because it makes me happy.
Fun fact that either wasn't said or I didn't read: shake your bleach pen before you uncap that sucker. I've got a weirdly balanced triangle due to some bleachy liquid squirting out before the actual gel. Yep, that's a shame. So now I know. And you do too. :)
I knew what it was as soon as I saw it! Maybe there are no leaves, but it IS green. Very Julie! Most importantly, you tried something new with me and your sisters. You'll be a wiz when we do a painting project.